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Clickable Promos

Grow listenership for your podcasts with interactive promos that drive engagement

Davis Kityo avatar
Written by Davis Kityo
Updated over 11 months ago

While audio promos are a great way to drive interest for a new podcast, we want to make it easier than ever for a user to hear about a new show and find it immediately. Megaphone publishers who have streaming-powered tools enabled will be able to make their promos clickable on Spotify to drive listeners to their promoted podcast.

How to make a promo clickable

Step 1: Establish the details of your promo

To begin, navigate to the “Promos” section of your dashboard and click “Create promo”. Once clicked, you will be taken to the “Promo Details” page, where you will be asked to select which podcast you’d like to promote. Please note that you must promote a podcast with the “Streaming-powered tools” demarcation for the promo to be clickable.

Step 2: Select the content where your promo will be inserted

On the following “Targeting” page, you will be able to select which podcasts you would like the promo to run in. While you are able to target any podcasts or episodes within your network, please note that clickable promos will only run on podcasts or episodes that have the green “Streaming-powered tools” demarcation.

Step 3: Insert the details and preview the display unit that will make your promo clickable

Finally, on the “Delivery” page, flip the toggle on the “Make your promo clickable” section. There, you can customize the Title and Tagline fields. If you do not fill those fields, the details will be auto populated with our standard text.

Click the “Preview” button to see what your promo ad unit will look like in the Spotify app:

How to access promo performance reporting

Head to the promo library and click the “analytics” tab to find reporting on how your clickable promos that are powered by streaming are performing. In this tab, you will find the following metrics:

  • Streamed impressions: # of times a promo (with or without a clickable ad display unit) was played on Spotify within a streaming-enabled podcast

  • Clickable promo impressions: # of times a promo with a clickable ad display unit was played on Spotify

  • Promo clicks: # of times the clickable ad display unit was clicked for a clickable promo

  • Click-through rate: % of which your audience clicked through the promo. This metric is formulated in the following way: promo clicks divided by number of clickable promo impressions

  • Converted listeners: # of unique Spotify users that listened to the promoted podcast on Spotify for at least 60s within 14 days of hearing the promotion

  • New converted listeners: # of unique Spotify users that listened to the promoted podcast on Spotify for at least 60s within 14 days of hearing the promotion, that hadn’t listened to that podcast within the preceding 30 days

  • Minutes streamed by converted listeners: # of total minutes spent streaming promoted podcast by converted listeners

  • Minutes streamed by new converted listeners: # of total minutes spent streaming promoted podcast by new converted listeners

What does a clickable promo look like on Spotify?

When a user reaches an ad break while consuming a podcast on Spotify and receives your promo, they'll see a display unit plus a footer with a clickable call to action that directs them to your promoted podcast’s page on Spotify. These visual elements remain on screen as long as the user continues to listen to your promo audio with the app in focus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How are clickable promos different from standard promos?

Megaphone publishers who have streaming-powered tools activated will now be able to attach a clickable display unit to their promos that are delivered on Spotify. This will show a visual ad unit while the promo ad plays, so that users can directly click through to the promoted podcast content.

Clickable promos also offer more robust conversion-based reporting directly in the Megaphone application, providing insight into new metrics like confirmed promo impressions, click-through rate, and conversions.

Q. Can I use clickable promos to promote shows outside of my network?

No. You will only be able to attach a clickable display unit to promos that promote shows within your network. At this time, clickable promos will only be delivered within other streaming-enabled podcasts in your network.

Q. Will attribution solutions like Chartable be able to measure clickable promos?

Because Chartable and other third-party attribution solutions report solely on downloads, you will not see results from streamed promos in those applications. You can view engagement and conversion metrics for clickable promos directly in Megaphone.

Q. Which user permissions in Megaphone can create/share/view clickable promos?

The following roles are allowed to create and modify clickable promos: Organization Admin, Network Admin, Ad Ops Manager, Network Ad Ops.

Q: What is the difference between a clickable promo impression and a streamed impression?

The “streamed impressions” metric indicates the overall times a promo was streamed, regardless of if the promo had a clickable display unit attached or not. The “clickable promo impressions” metric indicates how many times a promo that specifically has a clickable display unit was delivered.

  • For promos that are clickable, the “clickable promo impressions” metric will equal the “streamed impressions” metrics

  • For promos that are not clickable, the “clickable promo impressions” metric will be 0 and the “streamed impressions” metric will reflect the total number of streaming audio impressions delivered.

Want to get started?

Only publishers who have streaming-powered tools enabled will be able to make their promos on Spotify clickable through Megaphone. We are currently testing these tools, including clickable promos, with a select group of publishers. We’ll be continuing to iterate on and improve our streaming-powered tools based on feedback from publishers who are currently testing with us.

If you have already been approved to test these tools, you should have received a notification from Megaphone or a Megaphone account representative. If you are approved to join our test program and would like to learn more about how to activate these tools for your account, please review the “Activate Streaming-Powered Tools” help center article.

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