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Promo Reporting

With Megaphone's promo feature, you are able to run detailed impression reports on your promos to analyze listener data.

Kyra Doone avatar
Written by Kyra Doone
Updated over 11 months ago

For assistance on creating promos, please refer to our detailed help article here.

In order to run reports on your created promos, first click the Promos tab on your lefthand sidebar. You'll be presented with your Promo Library. Select the promos you'd like to run a report on by checking the box to the left of each promo, and then click the "Run report" icon at the top.

You'll be taken to a custom suite that allows you to build the details of your own report.

You're able to customize your desired date range in the top right, either by choosing dates on the calendar provided, or by selecting a filter on the right side:

You can adjust which promos are included in the report by adding or removing them from the sidebar on the left. Once you're happy with the filters, choose "run report" in the top right. You'll then be presented with impression data on your selected promos with a visual day-to-day chart as well as a table of numerical data below.

You are able to see impressions by preroll, midroll, and postroll types. These results also include position, priority, cap, flight start date, and flight end date. The last column gives you the status of the promo - whether it's scheduled to be delivered, deliverable (currently delivering), or complete (finished delivering).

By selecting the dropdown next to "view," you have some more options on analyzing your impression data.

For example, "Podcast Details" will allow you to view promo impressions by the podcasts they ran on.

Also listed in the "view" dropdown is "Impressions by Date," which is available by columns or rows. By selecting one of these, your impression data in the table will be sorted day to day for your requested time period, rather than total accumulated impressions.

Here is some example data viewing impressions by date - columns:

You are also able to group this data not just by day, but by week, month, quarter, and year. Choose one of these selections on the dropdown menu to get even more granular on your table's impressions.

Once you're happy with your report, you can export this table of data to a CSV at any time by selecting "export" in the top right. This will immediately download the file to your device.

For any questions on running promo reports, please reach out to us via live chat or email us at

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