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Alpha Feature: Order Targets & Exclusions

How to use the new Order Targets and Exclusions feature.

John Bennett avatar
Written by John Bennett
Updated over a week ago

This feature is currently in Alpha and is only available to Alpha partners. Once testing is complete, we will make this available to all Megaphone clients.

To start, click on the "Campaigns" tab on the left-hand side of the platform. Next create a new Campaign or select an existing Campaign. Once in a Campaign, select an existing Order or create a new Order.

On the Order page, enter in all of the required information, including the title, cap, goal, and any tracking pixels.

Next, select the ad slot(s) where you would like this Order to deliver into.

Now move to the "Content Targets & Exclusions" tab and click "Select Targets" in order to target this Order.

Navigate to the appropriate tab on type of targeting (by Podcasts, Episode, or Tags)

After each selection, you will notice the count badge above each tab will calculate how many selections you have chosen. Be sure to click "Done" to save your changes. Note: For the “Tags” tab, you can click on the “View Podcast” icon to view which podcasts are included for your selected tags.

To exclude certain podcasts, episodes, and/or tag, click on the "Content Targets and Exclusion" tab and then the “Select exclusions” button.

Next, navigate to the appropriate tab on type of ant-targeting (by podcast(s) or episode(s). After each selection, you will notice the count badge above each tab will calculate how many selections you have chosen. Be sure to click "Done" to save your changes.

To double-check everything, you can check the "Content Targets and Exclusions” tab for a receipt of your target and exclusions selections

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