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Megaphone Glossary

Easy to understand explanations of terms found on Megaphone.

Becca DiCenso avatar
Written by Becca DiCenso
Updated over a week ago

301 Redirect

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect of an existing URL to a new location. 301 refers to the HTTP status code for this type of redirect. In most instances, the 301 redirect is the best method for implementing redirects on a website. Subscribers will not notice that the feed has been directed elsewhere, so the process is seamless for consumers.

Ad copy

The copy of an advertisement to be read by the host.

Ad copy is an optional setting within a campaign that will affect all orders in a campaign if selected. If you plan to upload copy for a campaign, then choose "Needs Copy." If there won't be ad copy associated with a campaign, select "Not Applicable."

Ad Locations

A timestamp that Megaphone uses to demarcate where an ad can be inserted into an episode. Ad Locations are Set in the Ad Locator which allows you to place these insertion points into your podcast episode. There are three types of insertion points: Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll, and Post-Roll.

Ad Locator

Specific to each episode, the ad locator is where you mark insertion points (ad locations) for your episode. This is the tool used to tell Megaphone where ads should get inserted into your episode.


An Agency represents one or many Advertisers and are used for insertion order submission and billing after a Campaign has run.


Checking your order within your podcast episode by previewing your episode audio to ensure the ad is implemented seamlessly

Megaphone API

The Megaphone API allows users to view, create, update and delete elements within Megaphone using a customized GUI. This is only available to enterprise members. This is useful to update information in bulk instead of one by one.

Audio Logo

Audio logos are audio intros or outros that can be applied at podcast level and/or episode level for added branding and an enhanced listening experience.

Block Tag

Block Tags prevent your feed from being indexed by iTunes and Google podcast directories as well as by other third party apps that pull from those directories.

For feeds that you would like to remain private (or at least as private as RSS feeds can be), we can implement <block> tags for both iTunes and Google's podcast directories.


A group of orders associated with one advertiser that will be given a set flight date.


The limit set for the amount of impressions on an order. Once the set cap is reached, the order will stop running.

Coupled Order

An order that includes multiple advertisements.

Every ad delivered from an order is counted as separate impressions, rather than coupling and counting them as a single impression. When an Order has coupled ads such as a pre-roll and mid-roll and both ads are delivered, this will now be counted as two impressions.


Cost per thousand

Direct Sold Ads

Advertisements set up within the publisher organization, typically involving an agreement between an advertisement and the publisher to run on the podcast.

Direct sold ads are created as an order in the Campaigns Library and have their own set of priorities (1 to 10) that can influence whether or not an it gets inserted.


In accordance with IABv2 standards, a download is counted if 60 seconds of audio is consumed by a unique listener within 24 hours.

β€” A Unique Listener is a unique combination of IP address and User agent string (the software or app used to access the podcast).

Embeddable player

The Megaphone Embeddable Player allows you to quickly and easily upload your podcasts to a webpage where the audio can be accessed from almost any browser (desktop, tablet, or mobile). This can either be viewed in a playlist styled version (which this article will describe) or a single episode player version.

External Identifiers

An ID used to describe an entity in another dataset. This allows for a simpler integration between the Megaphone API and client systems. External IDs can be added to entire shows or individual episodes.

Feed Limit

The limitation on how many episodes are live in the podcasts feed. This is an optional feature in your podcast settings.

Example: Feed limit of 20 will only show the most recent 20 episodes.

Flight Dates

Duration of time the ad will run with associated start and end dates.

Frequency cap

To avoid listener fatigue, this feature allows you to put a cap on how many times one unique listener will hear one specific ad


The target number of impressions an order will receive. Setting this will not stop an order from running.


A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit integer number used to identify resources, generally used by developers. The GUID can be found directly within the URL.


An ad that is downloaded in its entirety. If a user skips the ad a second before it is downloaded completely, it won't qualify as an impression.


A way to schedule episode ad placements in advance. The Inventory view shows all future Draft episodes of a podcast and the number of planned ad locations.


Mid Rolls play throughout the episode. Mid Rolls are designated in the AdLocator with red nodes and up to 5 Mid Rolls can be placed in each episode.


Direct sold advertisements created within a campaign to be inserted into a podcast or episode.


The position determines the order in which advertisements will be slotted into the episode. You can also select "no position" to target any option slot within the order's ad unit type.

Positionless Ads

When "No Position" is selected, an order will insert into any possible position within the selected ad unit type (Pre-, Mid-, or Post-Roll) wherever available (the first, second, third, etc.).
Ads marked as No Position can take on any position, therefore they can compete with ads that do have a position (i.e. a Midroll, Position 1 ad can rotate/compete with a Midroll, No Position ad). No Position is telling the system to run it as all possible positions - not just open positions. See the end of this article for how to manage competing No Position ads with other ads.


Post-Rolls play at the very end of an episode - after the episode content has finished - and are designated in the AdLocator with yellow nodes.


Pre-Rolls play at the very beginning of an episode - before the episode content starts to play - and are designated in the AdLocator with purple nodes.


Determines which order holds the most importance and will play.

Priority 1 will always run over priority 2 when the orders are of the same type/position (pre, mid, post).

To guarantee that other ads run before (or after) a positionless ad, simply use the Priority field to assign which ad should be inserted first.


A promo is similar to an Order (found in the Campaign Library) but are designed for in-house, unpaid advertisements that are only inserted if no Direct-Sold or Spotify Audience Network Ads are available.

RSS Feed

A web feed we generate with all metadata inputted into the Megaphone platform. We send this out to the apps to update whenever new content is loaded. Your RSS feed can be found directly on your podcast page.

Segment targeting

Segment Targeting helps publishers reach the right listeners according to a myriad of strategic factors including purchase behavior, demographic data, devices being used, and others. Segment targeting leverages data sets from various partners to provide access to over 6,000 segments that can be targeted within your podcasts.

​Note: If your organization is interested in using Segment Targets within your campaigns, please reach out by email to for more information and to connect with a Customer Success Manager to discuss further.

Show Page

A show page is automatically created for each podcast. The show page includes a player with all of your podcast episodes as well as a link to the RSS feed, share options, and cover art. The Show Page is a quick link to share your podcast on social media.

Tracking URL

A tracking pixel comes from third party ad management system to monitor the delivery of a campaign. Third Party Tracking is an advanced option you can set up on an individual order in Megaphone. You can add up to five Tracking URLs to any order in Megaphone on the Edit Order page.

Unique listener

In accordance with IAB v2 standards, Megaphone uses a combination of User Agent (device) and IP Address (location) to determine unique listeners for your podcasts within a 24 hour window. It is not uncommon for a show to have substantial amounts of unique listeners - especially on the podcast level - as many listeners will subscribe to and download multiple episodes for a given show.


A feature which tells Megaphone to "watch" an outside feed for updates. This option keeps the podcast active on the original feed and does not change which RSS feed platforms and applications pull information from.

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