The Dashboard is the first page you see when you're logged into Megaphone. It's designed to give you immediate, high-level access to important information about your podcasts. Part of this dashboard includes information related to the unique listeners associated with your podcast or episodes for the past month.
Accessing the Report
To access the reports, log into Megaphone and click on the Dashboard tab. From there, you will see the Top Performing Podcasts by Unique Listeners and Top Performing Episodes by Unique Listeners automatically populate (as long as you have at least one live podcast on Megaphone).
How Does Megaphone Determine Unique Listeners?
In accordance with IAB standards, Megaphone uses a combination of User Agent (device) and IP Address (location) to determine unique listeners for your podcasts. It is not uncommon for a show to have substantial amounts of unique listeners - especially on the podcast level - as many listeners will subscribe to and download multiple episodes for a given show.
Overview: Top Performing Podcasts by Unique Listeners
The bar graph displays up to the top five performing podcasts for the past month. The exact date range being displayed is shown in the top right corner of the report (past month). The bar graphs for each podcast show both the downloads and unique listeners for the designated date range. Hover on each bar to see the metrics appear.
Below the bar graph is a listing of up to ten top performing podcasts with their total downloads and unique listeners for the past month. To see information for all podcasts or to save the report, click the Export button on the bottom left corner of the report. A CSV containing downloads and unique listeners across all of your podcasts will automatically download to your device.ย
Overview: Top Performing Episodes by Unique Listeners
The bar graph displays up to the top five performing episodes across all of your podcasts for the past month. The exact date range being displayed is shown in the top right corner of the report (past month). The bar graphs for each episode show both the downloads and unique listeners for the designated date range. Hover on each bar to see the metrics appear.
Below the bar graph is a listing of up to ten top performing episodes with their total downloads and unique listeners for the past month. To see information for all episodes or to save the report, click the Export button on the bottom left corner of the report. A CSV containing downloads and unique listeners across all of your episodes will automatically download to your device.ย