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Technology Performance Report
Alexander Brewington avatar
Written by Alexander Brewington
Updated over 11 months ago

This article will cover the Technology Performance section, which encompasses downloads by user application type.

The Technology Performance report is accessible from your reporting dashboard under the "Analytics" tab. You can choose to view this report in Table view or Chart view. Below is a Table view:

1. Managing the Technology Performance Report 

If you are in Chart view, all applications will be represented. If you are in Table view, only the top five performing applications will be represented.

On this report, you can filter for the desired date range at top of the page. The report will display the total downloads for the date range selected, and the percentage that each app makes of the total downloads.

2. Export the Report

You can export the report for the range selected by clicking the "Export" at the bottom of the graph. A CSV will automatically download to your machine.

3. Expand the Report to Explore Further

At the bottom of the report, click "Technology Report" to open an additional view to explore the report in more detail.

You'll then be taken to an expanded view:

For this report, you can either distinguish if it should be applied to overall podcasts or specific episodes:

Click the Add Podcasts or Add Episodes button on the left side to open a modal where you can search for specific podcasts or episodes and then select within those fields. Once you've selected all the podcasts or episodes you'd like included, hit "Select" to confirm.

After selecting the podcasts or episodes you'd like included in the report, select the date range in the top right corner, click "Apply" and select "Run Report".

You'll then see a Technology Performance report for the podcasts or episodes and date range selected.

This report can be displayed by day, week, month, quarter or year.

The report can be ordered by Application title,  Downloads, or date by clicking on the header (two arrows represent ordering fields).

Once the report is formatted as you'd like, you can export the data by clicking "Export" in the top right corner.

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