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Megaphone Dashboard
Alexander Brewington avatar
Written by Alexander Brewington
Updated over 10 months ago

The Dashboard (Home) is the first page you see when you're logged into Megaphone. It's designed to give you immediate, high-level access to important information about your podcasts.

The Top Reporting Bar

Yearly Downloads
Shows the total number of downloads across your podcasts year-to-date along with the number of total podcasts your are assigned access to.

Monthly Downloads
Shows the number of total downloads across all podcasts in this calendar month. A percentage indicator shows how this calendar month compares to the immediate previous month through today's date. For example, on February 10th the percentage change will compare to metrics collected January 1st through 10th.

Live Orders
Displays the number of Orders (advertisements or promos) actively inserting into episodes across your podcasts.ย 

Latest Published
Shows the most recently published episode along with the user that published it.

Top Performing Podcasts by Unique Listeners

The bar graph displays up to the top five performing podcasts for the past month. The exact date range being displayed is shown in the top right corner of the report (past month). The bar graphs for each podcast show both the downloads and unique listeners for the designated date range. Hover on each bar to see the metrics appear.

Below the bar graph is a listing of up to ten top performing podcasts with their total downloads and unique listeners for the past month. To see information for all podcasts or to save the report, click the Export button on the bottom left corner of the report. A CSV containing downloads and unique listeners across all of your podcasts will automatically download to your device.

Top Performing Episodes by Unique Listeners

The bar graph displays up to the top five performing episodes across all of your podcasts for the past month. The exact date range being displayed is shown in the top right corner of the report (past month). The bar graphs for each episode show both the downloads and unique listeners for the designated date range. Hover on each bar to see the metrics appear.

Below the bar graph is a listing of up to ten top performing episodes with their total downloads and unique listeners for the past month. To see information for all episodes or to save the report, click the Export button on the bottom left corner of the report. A CSV containing downloads and unique listeners across all of your episodes will automatically download to your device.

Live Chat Widget

The purple widget in the bottom right corner is where our support team resides! Simply open the widget to start a conversation with us (we are available from 9a-9p ET) and we can help answer any questions you may have.ย 

Additionally, on this widget find helpful information to on the Status Page of Megaphone as well as search articles of commonly asked questions.

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