Users Overview
Alexander Brewington avatar
Written by Alexander Brewington
Updated over a week ago

There are four groups of Users in Megaphone:

  • Users with access to the whole Organization

  • Users with access to an entire Network of shows

  • Users with access to specific Podcasts

  • Users with access to Ad Ops/Billing related activities

Organization Users

An "organization" in Megaphone is a unique account that represents an entire business of owned and operated podcasts or a collection of shows/networks that make up a larger organization. Each organization consists of network(s) and podcast(s) within those networks. Organization users have access to all of the networks and podcasts in a given organization and have high level visibility of activities within Megaphone.

  • Organization Admin

Organization Admins have full access within organizations in Megaphone. This includes updating organizational settings, creating new networks, inviting other users, as well as the ability to create/edit/delete podcasts, campaigns, promos, and advertising agencies. 

  • Ad Ops Manager

Ad Ops Managers have almost full access within organizations in Megaphone. This includes updating some organizational settings, creating new networks, as well as the ability to create/edit/delete podcasts, campaigns, promos, and advertising agencies. Ad Ops Managers also have access to additional reporting relating to impression delivery and revenue reports. 

Network Users

Network users have access to shows and reporting within an assigned network of shows, but do not have access to any campaign/advertising capabilities within Megaphone.

  • Network Ad ops Manager

Network Ad Ops Managers have the ability to create/edit/delete podcasts, campaigns, orders and  promos all within their network. Network Ad Ops Managers also have access to additional reporting relating to impression delivery and revenue reports. 

  • Network Admin

Network Admins have full access within assigned networks of podcasts. This includes the ability to invite other users and to create/edit/delete podcasts and promos, but does not include access to campaign or advertising functions. 

  • Network Partner

Network Partners have read-only capabilities within podcasts and inventory. These users have the ability to access metrics and reporting within assigned networks. 

Podcast Users

Podcast users are assigned to work on individual shows, limiting their visibility to only sections relevant to these show(s) with no access to Campaigns or Promos.

  • Producer

The most common user type in Megaphone. This user is granted access to specific, assigned podcasts and has permission to publish new episodes and to edit the podcast information and settings.

  • Contributor

Similar to a producer in that this user has access to specific, assigned podcasts and has permission to publish new episodes, but is unable to edit the podcast’s information or settings.

Ad Ops/Billing Users

In addition to Ad Ops Managers (who are considered Organization Users due to their complete Megaphone access), Megaphone has two additional user types to assist in planning and scheduling advertising campaigns (Sales Planners) and managing billing for those campaigns (Billing Admins).

  • Sales Planner

Sales Planners have read-only capabilities within podcasts and inventory. These users have the ability to access metrics and reporting within assigned networks as well as full access to create/edit/delete advertising agencies. 

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